In the latest "announcements and reminders" to elders, there is a paragraph with these sentences:
Do we have a link for this? Atlantis usually posts them each Month.
i have another post here about how the wts is reeling from covid, as reflected in their abysmally catastrophic service report:.
here's another rupture showing.. in the latest "announcements and reminders" to elders, there is a paragraph with these sentences:.
In the latest "announcements and reminders" to elders, there is a paragraph with these sentences:
Do we have a link for this? Atlantis usually posts them each Month.
edit .. i messed up the title, on this touchscreen tablet and now i can’t edit it !
the title should be “ the watchtower’s (sort of) apology for 1975 ….. sorry.
january 1st 1976, i remember that day when i heard a radio disc jockey gleefully announce that the world had not ended as jehovah’s witnesses had said it would .
Our Kingdom Ministry - May 1974 - "How are you using your life?"
Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world’s end.—1 John 2:17.
one thing i always disliked about the watchtower society is how they use young children tp peddle their literature.
my mom insisted that my brother (12 years old) and i (9 years old) go out in field service every saturday morning.
didn't matter if it was 90 degrees or 20 degrees, we were out peddling watchtower magazines.
Each child, when he grows older, can then make an informed decision about whether to adopt his parents’ faith.
That may be true but if he/she chooses not to be a JW then as soon as they are legally adult (18 in UK) the parents will be expected to boot them out. That was made very clear in a convention video a couple of years ago. Phone home if you're in trouble, don't expect your call to be answered. Having been raised in a family where you are strongly discouraged from forming non-JW friendships you are going to be very lonely. Chances are you have been similarly discouraged from a University education so that will affect your future finances. So, yes you can leave but we will make life as hellish as possible!
i found this interesting topic on the current views among jws regarding the overlapping generation.. the posts are hilarious.
how do most jehovah's witnesses explain the overlapping generation?.
i've asked a couple of jws to explain the overlapping generation and they directed me to the website jw------org.. either they don't know, or they do know but don't want to discuss it because they know it's bogus and embarrassing.. either way, surely they must know that this just extended the last days another 80 years from the time fred franz died.
Many JW's could probably RECITE it which is very different from EXPLAINING it.
The same is true of most doctrines.
absolute worst case scenario, the last of the generation that saw the events of 1914 would have died off would be in the mid to late 1990's!
so we were told in the 1980's!
so now we 3/4 of another generation past that!.
My parents were married during the war and became JW's shortly after. Little George would never have to go to school in this old system. Well George did go to school, still has his Coronation Bible and mug but at least he would never leave school, have to get a job or marry in this system.
Well guess what, he left school, got married and saw 1975 come and go along with "this millennium" during which the end was supposed to come according to the 1989 (?) WT.
I suppose the only good thing to this is over 50 years of happy married life and waking up each morning knowing he ignored the "don't go to university" advice such as the 1969 Awake said and so doesn't depend on Satan's Old System DSS to get through each month.
The real big awakening though was realising that I will die in the not too distant future. Non JW's have always understood this and accept it.
2021 grand totals.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 87. .
number of lands reporting: 239. .
Comment has been made about the drop in "anointed" ones, 436 fewer this year. Maybe some of these are among the 25,000+ JW's who have died of Covid so far, considering these will generally be elderly and possibly infirm and vulnerable.
As regards the return to door to door work, the elders received a letter recently telling them not to accept applications for pioneering from individuals who cannot make the hour requirement when D2D is resumed. No doubt they are seeing the problem outlined by BB above.
ghislaine maxwell is on trial for grooming underage girls for sex and joining in, apparently.. her defence has recently finished, with maxwell declining to take the stand herself because she, in her words, 'doesn't need to as the prosecution haven't proved their case beyond reasonable doubt'.. that's for the jury to decide, ghislaine, lol.
doesn't it strike you as arrogant that she can't be arsed to stand up and speak in her own defence?.
For those that want to extradite Prince Andrew just remember the KILLER of Harry Dunn, Ann Sacoolas is still in the US, her extradition to the UK stopped by Trump and Biden.
The upcoming "trial" will be a video whitewash in an attempt to quieten his family and supporters. How much time does anyone think she will spend in a UK jail even if she is found guilty of causing his death?
i have just realized that the 2021 service report figures have in fact been published.
but they are written in such a way its harder to compare.
so on the jw website, there is a tab called 'about us'.
what is your story?
we would love to “hear” from you!
Also all those years in UK when sick and elderly etc not allowed to write letters
Unsolicited letters and phone calls were always considered to be illegal here in the UK. Whenever there was a meeting item that mentioned this there would be an announcement that it did not include the UK. When Covid struck and we went into "no door to door work" that changed, however, the instruction to write letters etc was never put in writing. It was told to the CO's who had a ZOOM meeting with the local elders and told them. Thus there was no paper trail back to the WT Society if anything went wrong. Just like trolley work, "it's your personal ministry", nothing to do with us.
do you know anything more about them?
what is their history?
SINCE 1992, the Governing Body has appointed experienced, mature Christian elders to help its committees carry out their work.* These helpers, from among the “other sheep,” provide valuable support to the Governing Body. (John 10:16) They attend the weekly meeting of the committee to which they are assigned, providing background information and offering suggestions. The Governing Body members make the final decisions, but the helpers implement the committee’s direction and carry out whatever assignments they are given. The helpers accompany Governing Body members to special and international conventions. They may also be assigned to visit branch offices as headquarters representatives.
One of the helpers who has served since the arrangement was instituted says: “When I take care of my assigned tasks, the Governing Body can concentrate more fully on spiritual matters.” Looking back over his two decades of serving as a helper, another brother observes: “It has been a privilege beyond anything I could ever have anticipated.”
The Governing Body entrusts much to its helpers and appreciates the fine service performed by these loyal, hardworking brothers. May we all “keep holding men of that sort dear.”—Phil. 2:29.
See the box “How the Governing Body Cares for Kingdom Interests” in chapter 12 of the book God’s Kingdom Rules! for a summary of the responsibilities that are cared for by the six committees of the Governing Body.
Helpers to Governing Body Committees
Coordinators’ Committee |
Personnel Committee |
Publishing Committee |
Service Committee |
Teaching Committee |
Writing Committee |